Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Born on 6th of May

Hi all

long time since i posted any's been topsy turvy..going thru all kind of sweat though..well heard Mr. Bachhan has started his own blog. Actually it helps a lot...ONLY when u have some purpose in life. He seems to enjoy a nice time, by getting back to ppl who deserve his remarks...SO wassup with you people, hope all is fine...wish the same for all of u.

Yes, today was the day i took birth. but as i rightly said..good me and bad me..are two undivided aspects of my life..mistakes and learning go hand in hand...u need to be conscious about that and be charge of situation.

And life is not only about fun bt its a journey, with several milestones to ahieve and regret.
26 yrs passed by and as i look back i find myself..winning and losing many battle. BUT Most importantly...its only good things i can remember :) much to write find no time and energy..these days.. will get back to u ppl..sooon :)


I think therefore i am