Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc

Friday, December 5, 2008

Rise UP

Mumbai faced the worst terrorist attacks ever and the aftermath will continue to haunt our souls for a longtime.

Many lives were lost and reason for my anger and frustration is that by calculated and timely response even more lifes could have been avoided, ONLY IF our ministers 'd been little more proactive. The whole administartion needs an autopsy. They behave like puppets to the hands of such elements, whenever the nation has faced a crisis situation like this. Instead of using advanced intelligence to their advantage and taking charge of the situation, they have always fallen prey to it.

So why suffer a common man for act of men, nominated by us and who have always deceived us. AND Why suffer a common man, for the act of men who fail to qualify as humans.
Time has come for us to react strongly to the situation and take the charge of our SOIL.
We recently saw a revolution of a sort on 3rd Dec, when people assembled for peace march at Gateway of India (Mumbai) and the message was strong and clear - we hate our politicians as much we hate these fucking terrorists - no more bloodbath - else.....

there was anguish, frustration, respect (for our martyrs), and ambition for a better India.
We do not want to be showcased as helpless- so better our very ministers understand the message.
We know our ineterst better than any one else and RIGHT NOW, what we want is to - ERADICATE TERRORISM .....which means hard measures to be taken immediately to counter all the punishable offence and set a tone to the terrorist world.



I think therefore i am