Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc

Saturday, June 28, 2008

~Pulchritude has a divine profundity~

Good thing about blogging is that its legal as of one writes anything and his/her heart out...ppl sometime tend to cross that thin line... i wnt be surprised if we come across sth like a "cyber blog law" -- that would regulate closely on wht and how one is writing blogs.....(courtesy AAmir, AB hoopla)...til that moment lets enjoy our independence...

well taking excerpts frm my college days...i feel like penning down this exp...
like others...i was not oblivion to CAT/XAT did bit me...and badly...i enrolled myself for coaching classes - PT india - who besides brushing basic and advanced quantitative, language and aptitude skills, also helped us groom our personality for the D war.

During one of those days..when we had just started "enjoying" classes - i heard of this phrase - "Pulchritude possesses solely cutaneous profundity" -- it took me few weeks and some brainstorming sessions with frds... to understand its literal and overt meaning...i.e. beauty is only skin deep next week this followed - "Freedom from encrustations of grime is contiguous to possessing divine attributes"....and many more...

those were tough days..

i was struggling with wordlist and usage, trying to mug up anything and everything that came my the process i created my own lexicon...with unmatched data and ecclectic information...

nw 4 yrs gone...
i can tell u the literal meaning of these any in-depth analysis and i fail to find their relevance... after all pulchritde doesn 't solely posses cutaneous depthness...rather much more...pulchritude in any form---can kil you...possess u with undefined powers..make u lunatic..etc etc... meanwhile some puzzles for you ppl....feel free to respond...

1. Scintillate, scintillate, asteroid minim
2.The person presenting the ultimate cachinnation possesses thereby the optimal cachinnation 3.Probity gratifies reflexively
4. Promiscuity, controlled substances, and annepestic tempo

Awaiting ur response...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


It feels nice to graduate from writing exams paper reviews to discussing movies which influence me to some extent. I am an ardent fan of cinematic masterpieces like Schindler's list, Shawshank Redemption, Godfather trilogy, The name a few...

this also comes from the fact that my job demand this knowhow to such an extent. well few weeks back i watched this hollywood flick "21" starring Jim Stugress, predictably the next big sensation in hollywood.

the movie is about a studious and exceptionally talented MIT grad, who aspires to join Harvard School (where admission fee costs an astronomical 300,000 $), but he's nt financially sound and has difficulty making "needs meet end".

Hence he took up a job (that pays him a paltry 8$ an hour) simultaneously starts preparation for the scholarship which would be his wild card to enter harvard, but that will be granted to only one among hundred students who can dazzle the panel with not just their CV but also with that ONE thing that really distinguishes them from the crowd.

Well how does he dazzles his interviewer...thats what this flick is all about...
a must watch...

And just FYI...a bollywood flick "Teen Patti" is being made on similar lines...with Amitabh donning the role of Kevin Spacey from the original..and Madhavan playing watch for it...shld be good fun..


Friday, June 13, 2008

Jolly Jolt

Hi people,

Sorry for absconding for so long. Was trying to organise myself in new job.

But received couple of jolts,in a different format, when i learnt about my friend, Tapan eloping with his love interest(or the other way round), getting married, and presently living in mumbai. Quite a surprise,the news hit me like a rock, not that i am not happy, but none of us had expected this to come from Tapan.

Well at the end, what mattered was his happiness, which i could make over the phone.

in another twist of fate...a long drawn love battle came to a pleasant end..when my freinds convinced their parents and got engaged...

i really wonder...will i ever get such opportunity..hmm


I think therefore i am