Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc

Saturday, July 26, 2008

the fantabulous JOKER

Few years back, i watched Batman Begins, the remake of a superhero series brought back to life. i am nt a batman freak... But christopher nolan revived the character through his brilliant story telling methodology..that indeed caught my eyeballs...and one reason being the charismatic actor Liam Neeson of Schindler's list fame (my all time favorite), along with christian bale..

Cut to 2008, the caped crusader is back in the new avatar with The Dark Knight.
An euphoria and frenziness around the movie, never seen or heard before, but the only catch, this time its not the superhero but the JOKER who seemed to be garnering all the media attention. I also heard it...thought what crap. Yes, that prompted me to look fwd to this flick long before, and i am glad to say, the euphoria is only the tip of the iceberg.

WHY? Just go and watch this latest hollywood superhero offering, and you'l come out all for me i feel like watching again and again. Done it 5 times as of now.

Yes, the very existence of a superhero has been questioned by a supervillain who doesn't play by any rule, LITERALLY speaking...

Kudos to a powerpacked superb performance by the late Heath Ledger, who died early this year due to a drug overdose, probably bcause he was living the character too i letting my emotions play and exaggerate...NO...just watch, i only wish he were alive to see himself win that OSCAR ...which he missed few years back.

form the very first sequence, the JOKER is witty enough for our applause and in the very next he shows you to disappear a pencil, BANG!! unpredictable...u r thumped..and this is just the start...he fosters psycho terrorism and makes you believe in himself....gotham fears him and so do his allies...he has no rules, no logic behind his mayhem..which is actally more terrifying..

you will be delighted to see Heath playing the character, he seemed to overshadow everyone including christian bale, who has little room to showcase his acting skills and more to display his armours and action skills. But soon you see batman living up to his superhero stature, and catching the JOKER, and you only feel sad, as its one and a hlf hrs, and movie looks to end..that's the intermission.
Fish, i thought. i'd read the reviews, JOKER terrorising Gotham, Batman's vulberability and existence questioned to death. Where was all of that...and i thought to wait and watch... And wht a wait it was..nt disppointed...its JOKER and his histrionics all the way...he pollutes your mind...he is not someone who is not vulnerable but he just doesn't give up...he captures your mind..he says" .. i am like a dog who runs after a moving doesn't knw wht to do"...yes he is just so finicky.

JOKER's one liners -
"...why should i kill you, you are the very reason of my exsitence, "you complete me" ; copied from jerry maguire :)
"...let me see that smile on your face...BANG!"
"...he missed me..bang"
"..why so serious son...why so serious...
"....i am an agent of chaos"
".....lets bring some anarchy"
"..mob has a plan, police has a plan, i dnt work by plans"
"...Madness...u c is like gravity, all it needs is a PUSH "
"....this city needs a different class of criminals..."

it's a complete cinema...some good dialogues...superb action sequences...worthy performances esp by harvey dent's character..which has been well crafted and acted..above all nt to miss...the mind blowing background score... which is the soul of the movie..fantabulous..

this certainly goes down as the best hollywood motion picture ever made...i have still nt over it..gonna watch it the 4th time..soon....those of u still waiting for DVD's ....rush now....

for those of you who already in ur best scenes from the movie...:)
as for me...the last scene was kool one...JOKER upside down.."....u just wont let me go...Madness...u like gravity..all it needs is a little PUSH"....


Sunday, July 13, 2008


When i WANT to write..i dnt have anything to when i have sth to write...i just dnt feel like writing.. :(

right nw..i m going blank...dnt even knw wht to i FEEL like writing i will start with my exp through out the day...most of the time was spent listening roomie gt from eccletic sources..m glad i found few good foot-tapping numbers...then i learnt about CAT application forms hav to fill them up in time...dnt wana fall for the LDS (last day and my freinds coined this term in college..whr for a record we never submitted our assignments before the LAST DAY)... bored..went out..alone..usually i spent my time alone...movies...fooding..for almost everything..dnt have much frd to count upon..except a few..:)
Watched Kungfu panda..out of curiosity and the fact that i had nothing else to do..liked the animation and voice over's...m sure a new benchmark has been set with this cinema...good tp...
rite nw..m waiting for mom is coming to mumbai.,..i am always filled with joy..look forward to her pleasant vacation here.....i'd never let her go...BTW i am very disappointed to miss my brother's marriage.(name Sharad -- we call him raja bhaiya...) sth i had been lookin forward to since childhood..m really i wish him all the best in all his future endeavors with loads of luck and happiness..he has been and will be my inspiration sis was there to fill up for my absence..

as for SHE...nt heard frm her..been long..few weeks back she asked me nt to buzz her..i have obeyed her religiously just as i have followed her hw will she stop me from missing her..
well that's me since t-6 days.. u ppl keep watching this space for more...


Monday, July 7, 2008

The Braveheart

This will go down as a momentous day in my life...last night i saw a fighter defeating a leader in a nerve-shredding epic show of one's skill and perseverance @ -- WIMBLEDON finals '08. Yep ...the indomitable..RAFA defeating the ruling champ FEDERER and earning a title for Spain which has been eluded since 1966. Also becoming only the second player after Bjon Borg..winning roland garros and wimbledon in the same year...WOW!! m sure..rank 1 wld be next on his mind...

It was the most thrilling match one cld have imagine in which the clay court champ, NADAL - ended Federer's aura of invincibility on green court, with an awesome display of skill and a "never give up" attitude.

He totally ruled the game from the word go, winning the first two sets and showing a sign of wrapping the game as early as third set..but then lightning strike(literally) and match went for a toss due to rains..

when game resumed..things changed..Fed's survival instinct kicked in..and the match went through series of tie breakers into the fifth set...where NAdal's survival instinct prevailed over Fed's mental toughness.. hmm...hell of a match..

Kudos to Nadal--- a true braveheart...



I think therefore i am