Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fall of a LEGEND - Michael Jackson

I was devastated by the news & in such a pain, i just cldn't contain myself from writing few things about this legend who entertained mankind through his moves and blockbuster numbers for decade.

This day will be remembered as one of the most mournful day in the history of mankind. A true entertainer's demise overshadowed the whole world. Like any other human being, Michael was also susceptible & vulnerable. He had his shares of controversies BUT ages from now he will be remembered for giving the world "music videos and moonwalk". In my opinion he was and he will be the best on-stage entertainer through ages.

I am so out of words right now, i have grown up on MJ's antics and performance. He may have left this world but in our hearts he will always be there.


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